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Free Shipping On All Bikes, Skateboards & Scooters | Authorized Dealer

Social Media Community Guidelines

We think social media is a great way to share what we've been working on and to create a community. It also gives us a chance to engage with you.

We appreciate hearing from you and understand you want to hear from us. Mentions, shares, comments, likes, favorites, and retweets are welcomed! We are looking to create a positive sharing community on social media, and when engaging with us online, we ask you to be respectful of other users.

We all love dog videos, but content posted on this page should be relevant to Urban Bikes Direct and its products. Basically we don’t want spammers getting in the way of the conversation we’re trying to have in this space. 

If you engage with us online, you are agreeing to our Social Media Community Guidelines:

 Responses to individual users do not imply endorsement to your post
 We will not respond to any @mention or reply that:

o References a product or offered services not from Urban Bike Direct
o Advertising
o Is considered spam or are excessively repetitive and/or disruptive to the community
o Ask questions directly related to financial, legal, or confidential information
o Content that contains misinformation, is misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive
o Contains vulgarity (personal attacks, foul language, harassing comments)
o Content that incites, instigates or condones violence or hatred
o Content that promotes political content such as references to a candidate, law or
regulation, political party, governmental official, election or election outcome
o Off-topic or unrelated to the post on which the user is commenting
o Contains personal information
o Violate the social media platform rules
o Any other comment that Urban Bikes Direct determines to be offensive or inappropriate

 We have the right to delete or block users who violate any of the mentioned guidelines
 We love to share great content and may provide links or references to other sites as part of our social content. We claim no responsibility for the accuracy of content on other sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from that content. 
 Accounts we follow/interact with or accounts that follow/interact with us on our various accounts are not an indication of Urban Bikes Direct endorsement of these third-party accounts or the content they produce. Additionally, favorites, likes, comments, and/or retweets do not indicate endorsement.

Lastly, from our Legal Department, please be aware that Urban Bikes Direct reserves the right to delete any posting at its sole discretion.

If you have a question or comment that is not relevant to the topics of discussion taking place on the channel, please contact us @

Please note that third-party platforms also have access to information you share via social media.

For more details read their Privacy Policy. For additional information about privacy at Urban Bikes Direct, read our Privacy Policy. (

Last Updated: 2/10/22

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